The Blues Estate Store
Downtown Redlands
114 E. State St. Redlands, CA 92373
We Buy Estates!
(909) 798-8055
We Buy Entire Estates!
We have the Estates Sale & Liquidation Solution, For You!
We buy Estates and Specialize in Liquidating Estate Big or Small.
We have a Large Crew that can handle All Jobs!
Entire Estate Liquidation & Removal
Vehicle Disposal
Property Clearance
And More!
Call us today!
The Estate Buying & Yard Liquidation Services of Redlands Thrift & The Blues, includes Purchasing and Bidding in the San Bernardino County, Riverside County, San Diego County, Los Angeles County & Orange County. Give us a call and we can talk about the details of the purchase.
If you need more information or would like to schedule an appointment
Please Call Kevin Walsh
(909) 910-8216
OR Click Here to Contact us by Email.